
Wednesday, December 03, 2003

From Hersh's Week 10 lecture: Other Informatics: Consumer Health, Public Health, and Nursing 

Information Access


Commercial systems for e-mail consultations

Personalizing health information, risk, and records

Experience with Internet-based health records
Patient Centered Access to Secure Systems Online (PCASSO)

Information Therapy

Greenfield Health

John Snow and the Broad Street Pump

Public Health Resources
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
National Committee for Vital & Health Statistics

Public Health Information Network (PHIN)
Real-time Outbreak Detection System (RODS)

Nursing Informatics is a specialty recognized by the American Nurses Association

From Hersh's Week 9 lecture: Imaging Informatics; Telemedicine 

Telemedicine Research Center

From Hersh's Week 8 lecture: Bioinformatics 

The Human Genome Project

Project "completed" in 2003

You can download the data!

Nucleotide sequences

Prototype is NCBI's GenBank

LocusLink is a "switchboard" of genomic information

Some other notable resources

Gene Clinics
Overview of "Model Organism Databases"

XML standards
Microarray Gene Expression Data (MGED)
Distributed Annotation System
Bioinformatic Sequence Mark-up Language (BSML)
Gene Ontology
Human Genome Organization (HUGO) Nomenclature project

From Hersh's Week 7 lecture: Standards; Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security 

Some important standards-related initiatives
National Health Information Infrastructure (NHII)
Consolidated Health Informatics initiative (CHI) [?]
Connecting for Health

Official Site
HIPAA comply

Case for "uniform data standards"
Reoprt of National Vommittee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS)


SNOMED Clinical Terms

National Drug Codes (NDC)

Physicians have taken oaths of privacy for centuries.

OHSU Notice of Privace Practices (NPP)

From Hersh's Week 6 lecture: Decision Support: Evolution and Current Approaches 

Quality for population at large.

From Hersh's Week 5 lecture: Electronic Health Records 

How do we measure benefit?
Return on investment (ROI)

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